Wednesday, August 28, 2013

North Coast Music Festival is This Weekend and Ticket Prices are Going Up Soon! We're Also Bringing You the Top Ten Tips for NCMF 2013 this Labor Day Weekend!

NORTH COAST MUSIC FESTIVAL this weekend! Ticket Prices Going Up Soon!

Top Ten Tips for North Coast 2013

Top Ten Tips for NCMF 2013

1. Get the App

Download the North Coast Fest App for up-to-date news and announcements! Create your custom schedule, view the map, use the flashlight and more! Check it out here.

2. Stay Hydrated

Bring your Camelbacks and Empty plastic containers, we doubled the amount of Free Water stations. One located where it was last year behind the baseball diamond and a second behind Dos Equis Stage 4.  You might even find a huge pallet of free water bottles in the middle of the field!

3. Gear Up and Rep North Coast All Year Round!

Last year we sold out of most of our Merch Items so don't wait if you see something you like! Something for everyone, girls, boys, hip hoppers and hippies! Stop by the booth near the main entrance.

4. Early Check-In

Avoid lines and visit Will Call on Ashland Ave. Thursday 4pm-9pm! Grab your creds and/or tickets a day early and by-pass will call day of the fest... veteran move!

5. VIP Upgrades for 21+ Only

VIP Upgrades will be available at the entrance from GA to VIP this year. Elevated viewing platforms, private bar with cheaper prices and wider selection, air-conditioned trailer bathrooms and free bottled water. Not too shabby.

6. After Party Tickets On-Site

We'll be selling tickets to the after parties on fest grounds. A few are close to selling out. Don't wait to buy at the door later that night... they might be gone.

7. NCMF Streaming Free to Outer Space

Nothing will replicate the experience of joining your fellow Coasties at Union Park, but if for an Act of God you can't make it this year..fret not! You can view the Free Live Stream at What's up Japan!?!?

8. Protect Your Neck Against the Sun!

Summer's Last Stand indeed! We're looking at a bright, sunny and hot weekend so be sure to wear that sunscreen, take a break in the shade provided by beautiful Union Park trees and our Funktion Forms fabrics. It's a marathon, not a sprint!

9. Bike Racks

This year we have free bike racks at the corner of Ashland and Lake St. Right there at the Green Line El-Stop. So take advantage, get a posse together and ride your bikes!

10. Make it count!

North Coast is indeed Summer's Last Stand before school, before fall and before we have to wait another year! So be sure to experience North Coast in it's fullest… dress up in crazy costumes, hug a stilt walker, visit the Living Art Graffiti Area, sample some of Chicago's finest restaurants, visit the Dos Equis Jai Lai Lounge and most importantly, dance your tails off! Here's to a great 2013! Bring positive vibes, help each other at the fest and we'll see you in the front row!


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