Man, there was something magical about The White Stripes. It's too bad Jack and Meg aren't together anymore, although Jack White remains in the lime light with new projects, Meg has not been actively in a band since The White Stripes split up back in 2011. This song "Icky Thump" is the album title track, and a great example of the beautiful energy between the duo. The White Stripes have such a raw sound, their music makes you feel like you are hanging out with friends in a garage and having a personal jam session, except for perfectly timed out and creating a brilliant full sound. Every album The White Stripes released were packed with creativity and originality. The White Stripes break up represents the death of an era of grunge rock, it was barely still hanging on but it died that day officially. Soon we will have to refer to grunge rock bands as classic rock, as they should be.
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