Today's Song of the Day comes from an artist that needs no introduction. With his signature sound, he has forever changed electronic music. William Bevan, a.k.a Burial, released his eponymous album in 2006 and immediately received widespread critical acclaim. His style is very unique and unmatched. Through his use of garage percussion, sweeping synths, and chopped vocals Burial has created his own genre of music. Archangel, his most famous tune, off his second album Untrue starts with a percussion line that is a mix between UK Dubstep and Garage. Burial then throws in vocals from Ray J's One Wish; however, he completely warps them and cuts them up, dramatically expressing a vibe that is very emotional. As soon as the ambient lush synths are added, the tune becomes almost completely washed and very introspective. Archangel in itself is one of the most emotional tunes within electronica; however, to truly understand the personal journey expressed by William Bevan, one must listen to Untrue whole, not just one song.
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